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Location: C'ville, Virginia, United States

Been working all my life... Not sure this work ethic is all it's cracked up to be now that I'm 60 something and wishing I didn't need the stock market and the politicians to give me back all the money they took away in the last 10 of years.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My father...

Today was the day my father died... 1995

I'll remember that one for the rest of my life because I had the honor of being with him, as I am the only child, during his last days. I'll remember the admiration of a man that had been my anchor in life and remains my anchor in death.

He was a simple man to understand that lived a simple life in spite of all the world compelexities. The good guys always wore the white hats and the bad guys were clearly distinguishable. There was no such thing as grey area.

His hero was Will Rogers. "I never met a man I didn't like."

Of his own father, he said he would be happy to be half the man his father was.
I never met grandfather...died in 1949 a year before I was born...but I have no doubt that my father was at least as great a man.

I'm glad I knew him and I miss him.


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